This year, Barunastra ITS team will be back to the International Roboboat Competition in Florida, US held by RoboNation. We built the vessel over 4 months. In this year's competition, we must solve 8 challenges to bring back our glory as the world champion. The challenges are navigate through two pairs buoys and pass through both sets of the gates without touching the buoys, passes the sets of gates without touching the buoys and avoids intermittent yellow and black buoys placed within the pathway, docking, aim the target of duck with water shooter, speed challenge, detect the object floating in octagon area, detect the location of the cube and nests to deliver items to, return to home in the gate from two black buoys with avoids all obstacles. We created the vessel to solve all of the challenges, namely NALA PROTEUS 2.
0. Our vessels are equipped with the best technology and systems to handle every challenge. Not only that, NALA PROTEUS 2. 0 is equipped with the modularity technology. It also marks a progressive step in the shipping industry, demonstrating a strong spirit of innovation in creating more sophisticated and high-performance ships.
With a combination of the technology and optimized design, the NALA PROTEUS 2. 0 development vessel is a true representation of the continued progress of the maritime industry. The grand launching for PROTEUS 2. 0 was held in rectorate ITS on January 26th, 2024. Our vessel was inaugurated directly by the Rector of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Mochamad Ashari.
He said “This is one of the best works of ITS students to participate in developing maritime technology”. This event was attended by the rectorate officials, our sponsor companies, other research teams from ITS, and more than ten national media publications. We, Barunastra ITS team, have a target to bring back the world champion in this competition and always actively contribute to developing technologies for the maritime industry.